
Nice to meet you!

I'M LINDSAY WOLCOTT, proud Owner of The Beverage Cart.
We live, work, and play in Upstate New York.

My family is my life! I have a wonderful husband, Anthony (I’ll explain why he is so wonderful in a little bit), and two amazing kids; Chase & Ellie.  I have been in the restaurant business part time for almost 10 years waitressing and bartending. I love everything about the industry, and decided it was time to break out on my own.


The journey of The Beverage Cart started over cocktails with my mom pondering the thought of a mobile bar! One thing lead to another and my parents actually ended up giving me their 1975 Terry camper, named Hazel (after my father upgraded to an even bigger camper, of course)! I mean everyone names their campers, right? I was thrilled and so appreciative that they were giving me the chance to start something I really wanted to do! I was planning on completely flipping Hazel into a vintage mobile bar. Well Hazel did NOT have the same plan…

After a lot of thought, trial & error, and me letting go of some stubbornness, we came to the conclusion that Hazel was in no condition to flip. So what else would there be to do other than take it down to the frame and start fresh? So that’s exactly what we did!

My family is my biggest support system, they’ve been behind me since day 1! This would not have been possible without my husband who built the Bev Cart from the frame and up! My dad was a huge part of this build too and he transports the mobile bar to and from events when I need him! These guys are my rocks! My mom and sister are my go-to bartenders and when my mom isn’t bartending with us; she’s watching the kids. So like I said, this business would not be possible with out them!

So that’s how it all started! I invite you to become a part of the story and make memories with us. Hazel 2.0 is underway!